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Various Benefits of Sports

There are various benefits of exercise that can be felt both in the short and long term. Not only is it beneficial for physical health, exercise can also improve one's quality of life. With regular exercise, many of the benefits of exercise that you can immediately get. In addition, there are also many benefits of exercise that you can get in the future in the long run. Sports is a movement of the body that gives effect to the body as a whole. Sports, such as walking, running, dancing, swimming or yoga, stimulate the muscles and various other body parts to move.

Various Benefits of Sports for Body Health

Exercise is a miracle drug that you can easily get without expensive costs, but it is often overlooked, causing a variety of health complaints. Even so, it's never too late to start exercising. Whatever your age, scientific evidence proves that physical activity can make you have a healthier and happier body. Research has even proven that an inactive lifestyle is more dangerous to health than obesity. Various benefits of exercise for the body that you can get, including:
  • Prevents heart disease and stroke

  • Regular exercise every day can help prevent heart disease and stroke, because exercise will strengthen the heart muscle, lower blood pressure, increase levels of good cholesterol high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and reduce levels of bad cholesterol low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and increase the ability heart in draining blood.
  • Controlling diabetes

  • Exercise can help reduce body fat, so that it can both prevent and control type 2 diabetes.
  • Reduces high blood pressure

  • With reduced body fat, there is also a decrease in blood pressure in people with hypertension.
  • Prevents back pain

  • Increased muscle strength and endurance and body flexibility gained from regular exercise can help prevent back pain.
  • Ward off obesity

  • Regular physical activity can reduce body fat and build muscle mass and increase body metabolism. If accompanied by appropriate nutrition, exercise can help you lose weight while preventing obesity as a trigger for various diseases. Exercise has also been proven as a natural and effective way to streamline the body.
  • Delay physical limitations when old age

  • Exercise, such as running or other aerobic exercise, has been shown to delay the occurrence of physical limitations in the elderly.
  • Reducing the risk of osteoporosis

  • Exercise by lifting weights regularly can help the process of bone formation, thereby preventing various disorders of the bone as we age, such as osteoporosis.

Improve Quality of Life

The benefits of exercise are not only to improve physical health, but also to improve quality of life. Some of them are:
  • Improve mood

  • When you feel stressed, or have a bad mood after a stressful day, walking briskly for 30 minutes or working out at a fitness center can help improve your mood. Exercise can stimulate a chemical in the brain that makes you feel happier and relaxed.
  • Cultivate confidence

  • Regular exercise can also make you more confident about your appearance.
  • Overcoming stress

  • Research into the psychological effects of exercise reveals that this activity can reduce depression and increase the ability to cope with stress.
  • Makes you sleep better

  • Do you have difficulty falling asleep at night or often wake up in the middle of the night? Regular exercise can help you to sleep faster and more soundly. But avoid exercising too close to bedtime.
  • Restore sexual arousal

  • Are you often too tired or feel uncomfortable with body shape when having sex? Begin to exercise to encourage the spirit while getting a better body appearance. In addition, physical activity can also increase arousal in women and reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Enjoy a pleasant time

  • Sports and physical activity is one way to spend free time with fun. It can also help strengthen relationships with family and friends when doing it together.

How Much Sports Time Needed?

If you are not used to exercising at this time and are not actively moving throughout the day, start doing any physical activity that can increase your heart rate. Research shows that walking fast for 1-2 hours per week or about 15-20 minutes per day will reduce the risk of various diseases. In general, adults aged 19-64 years need two types of exercise, namely aerobic exercise and muscle strength training. The total exercise time needed is around 150 minutes per week. You can share it in a few days. For example 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week. Aerobic exercises that can be done include cycling or brisk walking, and going up and down stairs. A sign that your aerobic exercise is correct is when your heart rate increases and you sweat. Among aerobic exercises, intersperse with exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs, hips, stomach, chest, shoulders, and arms
  • Plank position

  • Face down face down on the floor like a push up, with your body on your forearms and toes. Legs and body are in a straight position like a board, hold for 30 to 45 seconds, then rest. Repeat the movement 5 times. The benefits of this movement are to strengthen the stomach, back, and muscles
  • Squat Movement

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart and toes pointing straight ahead. Bend your knees, lower your body and push your buttocks towards the back as if to be seated, so that your buttocks are parallel to the knees and legs at an angle of 90 degrees. Make the heel as the foundation of your weight, then return to position Repeat the movement 25 times, as many as 5 sets. This movement is to strengthen your hamstrings and buttocks muscles.
Movements like push ups and sit ups can also be done to train your muscles. In addition, exercising your muscles can be done through simple methods such as going up and down stairs, walking to the office if possible, or by stretching in between work hours to improve your posture and increase your energy and performance. Whatever type of sport you choose, make sure it suits your needs and physical abilities. Reach the benefits of exercise for a better quality of life. Enjoy exercising!


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