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Be careful, hypothyroid can be experienced by all ages

Hypothyroidism or hypothyroidism, means lack of hormones due to the thyroid gland can not produce in sufficient quantities. Hypothyroidism is more often experienced by women, especially those who are older than 60 years. However, do not rule out the possibility experienced by men and women at a younger age. Initially, hypothyroidism does not show symptoms. As a result, people often do not realize that they are experiencing these conditions. Conditions that can arise due to untreated hypothyroidism are joint pain, heart disease, weight gain to obesity and infertility.

Recognize Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the front of the neck. This gland has a function to produce thyroid hormones that are useful to help the performance of body organs such as the brain, heart and muscles, and to help the body stay energized and keep body temperature warm. Although people who tend to experience hypothyroidism are women aged 60 years and over, in fact babies, children, and adolescents can also experience it. The following are some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism based on the age of the sufferer:
  • Hypothyroidism in infants

  • Symptoms of hypothyroidism in infants are that the face looks swollen, the tongue is large and protruding, often choking, and the skin and whites of the baby's eyes are yellow. If not treated immediately, the baby may experience constipation, difficulty breastfeeding, excessive drowsiness, cold palpable hands and feet, and weak muscles. Furthermore, the baby's development is not optimal. In fact, it can affect his mental development.
  • Hypothyroidism in children and adolescents

  • Symptoms of hypothyroidism that occur in children and adolescents tend to be the same as those experienced by adults. However, in children and adolescents sometimes the symptoms are accompanied by delays in tooth growth, late puberty, and poor physical and mental growth.
  • Hypothyroidism in adulthood

  • In adults, in general, some symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weakened heartbeat, constipation / constipation, sensitivity to cold temperatures, increased body weight, increased blood cholesterol, swelling on the face, muscle aches or joint pain. In women, hypothyroidism can also be irregular menstrual schedules or even more than usual. Symptoms of hypothyroidism can also include memory problems and depression.

Various Causes of Hypothyroidism

There are many possible causes of hypothyroidism. These causes are:
  • Take certain medicines

  • Some types of drugs can trigger hypothyroidism, such as drugs for cancer, heart disease, and psychiatric conditions. This is because these drugs can affect the production of thyroid hormones.
  • Pregnant women

  • Some pregnant women may experience hypothyroidism. The cause is still unclear, but during pregnancy the thyroid gland sometimes becomes inflamed, resulting in an increase in thyroid hormone levels. But after that, there was a drastic decrease in thyroid hormone levels. This is where hypothyroidism occurs. However, do not worry that this condition will generally return to normal by itself.
  • Radiotherapy around the neck

  • Lymphoma or certain other cancers require treatment in the form of radiation in the neck area. Radiation in this area causes cells in the thyroid to be damaged, so that its ability to produce thyroid hormones is disrupted. As a result, the body also lacks these hormones.
  • Hyperthyroidism treatment

  • In hyperthyroid conditions, your thyroid gland is overactive, so you need to get treatment to reduce thyroid activity. One of them through radioactive therapy. Unfortunately, the side effects of radiation in this treatment can cause damage to cells in the thyroid gland, making hypothyroidism possible.
  • Thyroid surgery

  • This surgery involves removing the thyroid gland. If some glands are still present, thyroid hormones can still be produced. However, if all thyroid gland tissue has been removed, no more thyroid hormone can be produced. As a result, it is certain that the body will lack this hormone.
  • Thyroid disorders from birth

  • There are babies born with abnormalities in the thyroid gland and low thyroid hormone production. This condition is called congenital hypothyroidism. In this condition the thyroid gland does not develop properly. Despite developing, the ability of thyroid hormone production is not good. Infants or adults who already have thyroid problems since birth, are very likely to have hypothyroidism.
  • Iodine deficiency or excess

  • To make thyroid hormone, the thyroid gland needs iodine. Do not let you lack this one substance. Meet the body's needs for these substances by consuming iodine sources, such as eggs, dairy products, shellfish, and iodized table salt. To make sure you have hypothyroidism or not, you can check thyroid function. If you really experience hypothyroidism, your doctor will likely provide treatment in the form of synthetic thyroid hormones.
Hypothyroidism is a condition that cannot be underestimated, especially in infants and children which can cause growth disorders. Immediately see a doctor if you find symptoms of hypothyroidism, to get the appropriate treatment.


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